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Devastating Presentation “Exposing Military Corruption During COVID-19” Sent to Members of Congress



An anonymous group released a presentation showing the government’s actions surrounding COVID in the military and the abuse American soldiers are given in the process.  This has to end.  It is now in the hands of Congress.

A presentation was reported online and forwarded to The Gateway Pundit and members of Congress in an attempt to bring to life the abuse that American soldiers are enduring under Biden’s COVID-19 mandates in the military.

This presentation was created to expose the wrongdoings of the DOD from the Secretary of Defense all the way down to Commanders who do not have the fortitude to look into the orders they are carrying out. You will find evidence of collusion with the FDA, corruption at the highest levels of the DoD, violations of Federal law, long established privacy laws, and human rights violations, and throughout this presentation we ask you, the American public, to discern for yourselves the truth.

Here are a few points out of many revealed in the report:

TRENDING: DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal — No Way “Revised” Numbers Are Real

** The report asks the question, “How can the Department of Defense carry out a mandatory vaccination program that only has products marked for “emergency use?”
** Why did the military Covid Fatality Rate increase 54% since the mandates while the US Covid Fatality Rate decreased by 43%
** Lloyd Austin has violated multiple federal laws by not divesting his stock interests in multiple companies and breaking his ethics agreement.

Here is the conclusion slide summarizing piles of information included in the presentation.

Here is the presentation we received:

Mandate Slides Final PDF by Jim Hoft on Scribd

The next step lies with Congress.  Will Republicans in Congress finally stand up to the insanity behind COVID and realize that the communist left is using this as a means of weeding out good patriotic men and women in our military?  How can Congress be so ignorant of the truth?

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