Beneath the veneer of government operations, where the gears of bureaucracy turn, often unseen and unwieldy, lies a tale that epitomizes the dance of democracy and...
Source The European Union is considering a travel ban on Tucker Carlson after he interviewed Vladimir Putin, with EU politicians labeling him a mouthpiece for Putin...
DeSantis could have presented himself as the opposition to Soros-funded District Attorneys and their neo-Bolshevik tactics. According to the Federal Election Committee, Hillary Clinton lied about...
California passed a law in August banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles in 2035. Seventeen states, including Washington, New York, and Oregon, are expected to follow suit....
Instagram has restricted the account of rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, after he made a post that some groups are calling “anti-Jewish.” According to...
In its newly updated policy, PayPal will begin fining users $2,500 directly from their accounts if they are found to be spreading “misinformation.” Six months after...
The FBI is purging ‘conservative’ employees and retaliating against bureau whistleblowers, according to Congressman Jim Jordan (OH). At least 14 FBI whistleblowers have gone to Rep....