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Naomi Wolf: Elites Covering Up Deadly Jab ‘Complicit in a Massive Crime’



The globalist elites are hellbent on covering up the severe harm caused by the COVID-19 jabs and pandemic restrictions, which makes them “complicit in a massive crime,” journalist and author Naomi Wolf claims.

In an interview with Eric Metaxas, Wolf compared the behavior of the nation’s ruling educated class during the pandemic to the passiveness of Germany’s educated population in the 1930s. reports: Wolf, who was in Metaxas’ graduating class at Yale, said their classmates “are the worst offenders.”

“Right now it’s really red state and purple state America, and working people who are being super brave and telling their neighbors, trying to resist – the police officers, the fire fighters, taking action against these coercive mandates, trying to bring some truth to the discussion,” said Wolf, a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate from Oxford University who was a political consultant for Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

“It’s our classmates, our cultural demographic, if you like, who are colluding, overwhelmingly – and our institutions.”

These people, who seem so nice, Wolf continued, turn out to be “monsters and barbarians when it comes to enabling and condoning what is turning out to be a massive, massive crime.”

And as more and more is being revealed, she said, “they are now complicit in a massive crime.”

In the interview, Wolf provided an update on “the evidence that is mounting” of harm caused by the experimental mRNA shots compiled by her research team of medical and scientific experts, who are poring over Pfizer COVID vaccine trial data.

The documents, which were obtained through a lawsuit after Pfizer sought to keep them under wraps for 75 years, show “massive general harm” caused by the vaccines during the trial, particularly to reproduction.

“They saw that 1,200 people died in the first three months – four of them died on the day they were injected – and they kept going,” Wolf said of the pharmaceutical company.

The documents and the analysis are available on the website of Wolf’s company, Daily Clout.

See Eric Metaxas’ interview with Naomi Wolf:

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