On Thursday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and launched military operations on the Ukrainian people. Russian forces launched attacks on several Ukrainian...
Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. On Wednesday night Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine. Russian forces...
Vladimir Putin followed the actions of Canadian leader Justin Trudeau and began arresting peaceful protesters across Mother Russia on Thursday. This comes as the Russian military...
Joe Biden held a confusing press conference on Thursday following Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. On Wednesday night Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the start of...
A California teacher was caught on camera physically assaulting a student and dragging him out of the classroom for not wearing a mask. The shocking incident...
The latest update from the Ukrainian Armed Forces paints a bleak picture for the people of Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces are particularly upset with their “brothers”...
Fascists loyal to totalitarian Justin Trudeau published the names, addresses, and amounts donated of all of the Ontario donors to the Freedom Convoy protests. The leftist...
In a no-bid contract, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the outsourcing of Georgia’s Voter Registration System to Salesforce.com. The implementation is to be managed...
The global media is reporting on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine. Putin and Russia signed agreements with two Ukrainian break-away republics who demanded their...
Two prosecutors leading the Manhattan District Attorney’s investigation into President Trump’s business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday, according to the New York Times. According to The...